Areas of Work

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Areas of Work


Education plays an instrumental role in social and economic transformation. The situation of minorities in our country is quite crucial. Widespread poverty in rural areas of the state has a strong bearing on the education indices. Nai Umang Nai Soch Society, from time to time, organizes awareness campaigns to provide the community members with information about their roles and responsibilities. The organization specifically works for the girl child to provide them with equitable education opportunities.



The organization has been working towards issues related to ration adulteration, closure of ration shops and inadequate ration supplies since its formal beginning. Nai Umang Nai Soch Society has led campaigns alerting people about their basic food rights and making them understand the gravity of the situation. The organization aims at mainstreaming the marginalized through making them realize the power of democracy.



Lack of access to basic facilities, unaffordability due to poverty, lack of proper nutrition and livelihood have prominent implications on the health conditions of the people. We have been working for implementation of health policies in our community. We have also undertaken awareness programs on health related issues for people from the marginalized sections of the society.